Breastfeeding Help Postpartum
Perhaps you find yourself here as breastfeeding is painful or your baby had issues with the gain weight. Perhaps you have a premature baby and need that extra bit of support to get breastfeeding established. Or perhaps you deal with a blocked duct, a mastitis or you need to know about medication during breastfeeding. You might also simply only need someone to check over what you are doing. A postnatal consultation is an ideal opportunity to get support with challenges related to establishing feeding or with more 'complicated' challenges such as nipple wounds, slow weight gain, under&over supply, exclusive pumping, nipple shields, ongoing pain, breast refusal or breastfeeding a baby who was born prematurely or with additional needs. Whatever your circumstances, I am trained to listen to you, share evidence-based information and to create a plan to overcome the challenges you are facing. Each consultation is customized based on your individual needs. In the comfort of your home, I will:
perform a complete health assessment of both mom and baby.
get a real view of you breastfeeding, so ideally I'm present during a feeding
check the weight
clarify all your breastfeeding concerns and questions
check the milk transfer
show you a variety of positions to find the most comfortable ones for you and your baby
fully assess your baby’s tongue mobility identifying any restrictions that may be challenging for breastfeeding.
will support you with increasing and maintaining your milk production
provide all supplies necessary
This is just a small list of common things I see families about, it is in no way a complete list - get in touch if you have any questions related to:
breastfeeding babies that are unsettled, colicky or might have reflux
exclusively pumping
feeding twins or triplets
inducing lactation