Now that you are at home, you may feel unsure about how to do babycare, particularly if this is your first baby. This is totally normal!
It can take some time to develop confidence in caring for your baby but as your confidence grows, you will become more relaxed in your role as a parent and this will help in developing an extraordinary bond between you and your baby. Bonding and attachment are important because these experiences have a profound influence on your baby’s emotional, cognitive and neurological development.
I can offer you support and information on the following:
baby bath, skin care
your baby’s health, behaviour and development (mental leaps, growth spurts)
your health and wellbeing
your baby’s safety (safe sleep, safe baby wearing)
family planning (and contraception)
The most important thing for your baby is a nurturing relationship with you that is responsive to their needs. When it comes to babies, I have two mottos: less is more and go with the flow.